About HJC
We at HJC believe that there are treasured pieces of our past that are worth our collective effort to preserve, not because of what they might be worth monetarily, but because of what they stand for – the spirit of the issei and their descendants who have brought us to where we are today. These objects, long silent, have the innate ability to make us feel our past and inspire the view of our way forward.

Beyond encouraging participation in traditional Japanese arts, we can encourage our youth to embrace and embody the spirit of what these objects represent – strength, honesty, humility, courage, perseverance and adaptability — for that is the true legacy that our forebear wrought... with Aloha for all.
Since its founding in 2002, the Hawaii Japanese Center (HJC) has strived to meet its mission of serving as a cultural, research and educational center for the community. Our facility was dedicated in 2007 and has hosted lectures, exhibitions, concerts, films, workshops, fashion shows and festivals. Our Conference Room and Gallery have also proven to be ideal venues for kenjinkai functions and meetings. With the prized Okubo collection of books and artifacts as its core, the HJC has continued to receive items of historical interest from the community for safekeeping and display. Supported by donations of funds and volunteers from the community, the HJC has benefitted by major renovations and upgrades to its physical facilities. Today, the HJC includes exhibition and storage spaces, a gift shop, conference room, gallery, archival workroom and library. Most recently, renovations to a spacious storehouse (kura) were completed to house the HJC’s collections. As a community history center, the HJC tries to facilitate the preservation and appreciation of our past—some which are unique to our Japanese heritage while others are shared with the multiethnic mix of people that call Hawaii home. We aim to share and celebrate all that inspires us and others to forge a more positive future for Hawaii
Board of Directors
Officers & Members
Wayne Kamitaki, Chair
Ann Kikuta, Vice Chair
Arnold T. Hiura, President/Executive Director
Taylor Escalona
Thomas Goya
Dwayne Mukai
Wallace T. Oki
Richard Onishi
Gladys Sonomura
Hiroshi Suga
Arthur Taniguchi
Toby Taniguchi
President/Executive Director
Arnold Hiura
Executive Assistant
Eloise Hiura
Administrative Assistant
Kori Imai
Program/Events Assistant
Mariah Higashi